The reason i created this blog is so that there is a central location for information about the different poker game in Adelaide, and contact information for their organisers. This will allow new players who have an interest in poker to find a local game where the buy-in isn't too high and they can find their feet in a friendly and comfortable environment.
If you are the organiser of a local game or home game and you want some new players, contact me (via the contact details in the sidebar) with your game info and contact info and i will post it on the blog for other players to access.
I will also try to provide a lot of information about starting up a home game, ie. buy-ins, blind structures, pay-outs etc. as well as links to poker sites and interesting articles to help the budding poker player to find their feet.
I am relatively new to the blog scene, if you have something you would like to add to the site, or any other questions please don't hesitate to email me.
Thanks for visiting and please come back soon
Contact Me
Email: morick_sa_2003 [at] hotmail [dot] com
Morris, I have read most of your posts regarding your investigation of the legality and history of Poker in Adelaide. Without critisism both are sketchty and border on accurate.The defence of the raid of the APA State Championships in 2005 was not only partlly funded by another Poker organisation in Adelaide but that organisation SOLEY defended the matters relating to the Game of Chance. It was left to the APA to attend to the charges relating to Rake.
Since then we have continued an association called the ADLAIDE POKER CLUB which has been successful in running many styles and variations of Texas holdem as well as groom many of the Staes finest poker players
The Adelaide Poker Club has been running since 2005 and was the successor of Matchroom Poker.The Club has been the Stable Factor in Adelaide Poker since the early BOOM days. It now operates 4/5 Tounaments per week with a steady membership.
Looking forward to your response wishing you well on your poker journeys.
Quintinio, thanks for your comment. I am a relatively new comer to the Adelaide poker scene and my articles are mostly based on research rather than personal experience.
It sounds like you've had extensive personal experience of the Adelaide poker scene and are knowledgable on a number of important subjects.
I'd love to get your input to improve the accuracy of my existing and future posts.
Please email me (my address is above) and we can get started.
Thanks again
Hi Morris,
I just sent you an email asking if you know any poker dealers in SA.
Hi Morris,
I just sent you an email asking if you know any poker dealers in SA.
Hi Morris,
I just sent you an email asking if you know any poker dealers in SA.
Thank you very much for keep this information.
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